
Errrrmm……Feb. 19th 2020!!

Posted on 19/02/2020 by Nigel under Bonheur Banter

“Bienvenue, hello there, it’s your one and only Me, Hiccup here, should you have forgotten my name as it has been so long since I chattered at you. Now, I don’t want to be blamed for this long gap…….I have been humming & chatting away every day with our ‘carers’ but between them they are very lax at putting pen to paper so to speak or should I say digit to computer keyboard. I know they’ve been having their health problems between them……. No for heavens sake don’t ask them or you’ll never hear the last of it, they’ll whitter on for hours about their problems and the multitude of excuses why they can’t do anything we ask but really can’t they find some time to keep you up to date!

Ok, enough of my moaning….well for the moment anyway! at least we are still being fed and watered and sort of mucked out even if not to the usual high standard…….(sshh Hiccup, you said you’d stop moaning!) So, what’s been happening….Oh yes,new arrivals……..

Christmas surprise,10th Dec…….. a baby girl, Holly….(Ooh,that’s original!) for mum Eponine, that’s mum Eponine who scanned as ’empty,not pregnant’ back last summer! and anyway Eponine…..counting back the days that means you were covered in November, err matings stop in September usually…….so that means that you sat for Haymitch when he escaped from his field that day and still beat the scanner when knowing that you were very pregnant by the time you were scanned…….hmmph, best throw the scanner away or learn to read it properly!

Now there’s a face that is going to cause trouble! she is always bouncing around harassing her older siblings and crashing into all of us older ‘mentors’ trying to get us to play…..but she does get us out ‘pronking’ around the field on a nice evening when we’ve a mind to!

The other new arrival recently was ‘working boy’ Arunda Lorca, re-homed from Nigel & Ginny who have sadly retired and moved south to enjoy the vistas of the mountains of the pyrenées. He could be a busy boy this spring bringing some new genetics to us girls ………..oooh, steady there girls,calm down we’ve got a few months to wait yet…..but I want first shout!

So, which one do you think should be left in the van with a bucket of water and some hay?!

It’s that time of year for last years cria to be introduced to the demeaning joys of wearing a halter and being made to walk to somewhere we might not want to go……and do it when They decide,not us……. huh, we’ll see about that!

They….our carers, had a couple of visitors the other day who are buying some of the boys and they used me to show how to put on a collar etc…….how dare they! the shame of it …… can see I am NOT happy! I am glad to say that Snowy, Miss.Sunshine and Toyah showed their disapproval as well……..

‘White heat’ (Snowy, oh that’s So original!) stood 4 feet square,stared at the ground and refused to move, Miss.Sunshine launched skywards and Toyah hung her head in shame and starred at the ground!……bless, normal behaviour for us ‘pacas I’m afraid, we don’t take well to halters initially….but we do come round quite quickly and then we never forget how to do it, so you can’t grumble at us…… wouldn’t like it either!

As the youngsters are not ready to go out for a walk yet, they have a few goes just wearing a halter first in the barn before learning how to go promenading, three of the 3 year old lads who are going to the April show went out for a refresher walk instead………..

Left to right…….Deeks, Kody & Picard strutting their stuff trying to teach 3 assorted humans how to convince us to tolerate them…….. easy, More nuts & hay and less touchy,touchy feely & cuddles…….we don’t like that!!

Moving onto other things, I’ve just remembered that the ‘one that’s always hurting himself’, you know who I mean, the numpty in the back of the van, well he’s still trying to build the new ‘River field’ shelter…….. slowly is the best word to describe it!…….. still he is getting there and it hasn’t blown away in the few windy days we’ve had so that is a bonus, take a look…..

Roof going on………ignore the spirit level leaning against the post behind……he hasn’t got a clue how it works, you can see that by how ‘un-square and wonky it is! He’ll probably blame the ground being all uneven and causing the frame to twist…….yeah,all right, ever thought of being a politician with an answer like that? how to avoid responsibility mmm?

It might of helped if it wasn’t placed on what now appears to be one of the wetter parts of the field, oops! although in fairness most of the field is currently nearly as wet as a paddy field, ready to grow rice! May have to let him loose with the digger to put a couple of drainage channels either side……..talking digger………(nicely slipped that in)…….

The new toy (thank you kindly MrG, CEO,uk division Bonheur Alpacas) having a brief ‘practice run’……..that’s practice for new operator not tractor!

She does a wicked job…….love it! Well, I guess that will do me for the mo……hopefully I’ll be allowed to chat to you a bit more often now that ‘he’ has finally got his act together and posted this. As I mentioned earlier we have a show coming up on the Easter weekend and I think Kody, Picard, Deeks, Sakura, Lady Tyburn, Ooh La and White Heat are booked to go so I will keep you updated on preparations…………I wonder why I haven’t be asked to attend the show………Oy answer me that you………

Corr…….couldn’t resist a pic of Kodama to close……I think I may fancy him better than Lorca, will have to work on him…….…. hum hum,……bye!

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